Post Covid, corporates are increasingly getting into social media marketing, and extensively using social media for business, brand awareness, digital marketing and overall business growth, as probably ‘in person’ became difficult after the pandemic.
Social Media Trends to Look Out for!
If you are also the one mulling over social media strategies for forming a promising future in business ahead, then you should learn about the key trends likely to influence potential customers using the social platform(s). Following are the eminent trends to watch out for:
- Social media has already established itself as a viable shopping platform.
- Short video contents run massively here.
- Post COVID, social media platforms have become a part of our lives.
- Certain platforms like Facebook and Instagram are huge crowd pullers.
- Bite-sized content are in vogue because attention spans are shorter.
- Reality options in this virtual world seem augmented.
- User-generated content is given higher importance as that creates potential for greater utilization.
- Reddit gets unbundled.
Social Media for Small Business Gaining Ground
Beyond the irreplaceable personal losses, economically, even the affluent nations were deteriorated due to the shift in lifestyles after the Covid-19 pandemic. Sticking to homes closed down several businesses while adversely affecting many. Surprisingly, the virtual world, which was simply meant for entertainment, took the front stage and formed a forum through which life could seemingly get restored. The importance of social media and social platforms came into visibility vehemently. Once the avenue was established, now appeared the mammoth task of shifting and adapting to the new environment! Major brands and companies were somewhat equipped to absorb the switch due to the advanced technological backup and financial upkeep, whilst small businesses had arduous social media challenges coming forth. Some of them are discussed below:
- A paradigm shift of services in the changing environment; social media for small business – Contact-free approach is prioritized to keep the virus at bay. The underlying essence is to keep the business running remotely. Companies adjust their offerings in a manner that customers were able to engage in their products and services from the comfort of their homes. This largely involved social media engagement, purchasing online or over the phone, home deliveries should be made affordable and readily available, all needed scrupulous social media presence, content marketing, and in-depth research on customer review.
- Re-allocating funds; advertising small business on social media – Whilst ‘working from home’ became supposedly the most suited operation in recent times, instead of physically meeting customers, paid advertising option became the wisest choice that can be made. Popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and so on effectively reach out to a greater purview in terms of geographical area, age group, interests about your brand. Wondrously, provided Facebook Pixel has been installed on your website, ads can be retargeted to people, who visit the same.
- Increasing engagement and building a robust online brand community – Creating meaningful engaging social media content is a good way to relate to the people sitting at home. Depending on your products and services, advertisements should be fun and meaningful. Innovation and compassion during these trying times are beseeching and sought after by wary consumers.
- Plan the re-launch well – Sooner or later, one has to be a part of the flow. Before hitting the social media platform, one should scrutinize every minute detail to create a gracious launch and take the e-commerce market in its stride. Meticulous planning, in-depth research, and proper investment towards the right activities must be done for bringing in a new flavor and excitement in your campaigning.
As appropriately quoted by Socialnomics author, Erik Qualman, conferring to the present scenario, “We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.